SAFE- January

Seniors Aware of Fire Education

The New Year is a time to make and keep resolutions. Here are a few you might want to make and keep that will help keep you from falling. Resolve to:

  • Get more exercise.
  • Wear sturdy, slip-proof shoes.
  • Wear slip-proof slippers; don't walk around the house wearing only socks on your feet.
  • Get rid of scatter rugs or secure them to the floor so they won't scatter you.
  • Sand ice on steps and walks.
  • If you are having trouble with balance, talk to your doctor.

    Have a S.A.F.E. new year!

~ Worth Noyes, SAFE Educator

Williamsburg & Cummington Fire Departments

The Senior SAFE program is sponsored by many of your fire departments and the

Massachusetts Department of Fire Services.